Frequently asked questions.
Do you have a question about Great Day Juice Company? Explore our frequently asked question section; we may have an answer for you. Below we cover some of the most common questions about our juices and smoothies, other menu items, or our location. If there is a question that we haven't covered, contact us, and we will get an answer for you.
I have a nut/almond allergy. do you have an alternative milk besides almond milk for your smoothies?
Our recipes have been developed and tested using almond mylk; however, in our effort to serve those suffering from allergies, we can use a plain water base or a coconut mylk base. Please note that we will use a pure powdered coconut mylk to maintain freshness of the product. Additionally, the taste/texture of the smoothie may be different than the original, but it will still be delicious and nutritious!
Why do you spell it “mylk” instead of “milk”?
The spelling of “mylk” refers to plant-based or non-dairy “milk” instead of cow’s milk, goat milk, or any other milk derived from an animal. Reasons for this include differentiation of the two for both legal reasons (some have said the dairy industry does not like non-dairy milks to be called milk, although we love the dairy farmers too), and ease of recognizing that our product is a plant-based “milk/mylk.”
How is your juice different from that which I can buy at the grocery store?
Our juice is NOT pasteurized and therefore maintains all of the beneficial enzymes and nutrients of the fruit or vegetable that goes into it. Our juice is true RAW juice as there is no heat produced throughout the pressing or bottling stage, nor, since it is unpasteurized, in that either.
How long is your juice good for?
We date all juices according to FDA laws, which is no longer than 7 days from the date of manufacture. However, because we are aware that many people find a “forgotten” juice in their fridge, and because we find the taste more appealing, we date many of our juices with a
4- or 5-day drink-by date to allow for a few extra days. Please note that we do NOT recommend drinking a juice for more than 2 days past the drink by date. Also, once you open a bottle of juice, remember that oxidation will start, which greatly shortens the freshness. Please drink any opened juice within the day that it was opened.
Do I really need to keep my juice refrigerated?
YES! Unpasteurized juice must remain refrigerated under 41 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain its viability. It is ok to transport your juice unrefrigerated for a short trip, but if it is extremely hot or you will be transporting it for a longer distance, please bring a cooler.
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